We are always happy to hear the kind words of our customers, and even more happy when they take the trouble to write. Here’s an email we recently received:
Dear Mr. Burroughs,
(All the Mr. Burroughs that is)
My wife and I visited the Roads and Rails Museum last Friday, May 4, having driven past and were curious. What a great surprise to find the enormous O gauge Layout right here in Frederick. And, as you explained, the Roads part of the Museum will open soon also.
I have an interest in O gauge and started building my third layout in January after puttering around with the first layout as a kid and the second layout for the last 10 years of my second childhood. With my own attempts to build a layout it has certainly given me an appreciation for what your huge layout takes in construction and maintenance.
Your gracious attitude toward answering questions about details of how the layout was built is very instructive.
I learned from Dave about prolonged engine life by using stop and wait to give the motor and gear box a break.
I was introduced to Easy Streets and learned how I should build and use this feature.
By reasoning I learned not to use Lionel O-27 gauge track and I did not see any on your layout.
I didn’t see a lot of track switches which have always given me headaches.
I learned it was possible to have a Volcano on the layout, but one little boy there asked me not cause it to erupt because it was too scary.
When we asked about lighting supplies you gave us a handy brochure for department 56 product and others.
What I’m trying to say is that you all seemed so genuinely interested, ready to entertain questions, knowledgeable, and enthusiastic about making sure the visitors will have a outstanding experience has pleasantly impressed us.
You can bet we’ll be back with a hundred or so more questions soon.