Railroading Tips

Feb 4, 2013 by     Comments Off    Posted under: Home Layout, Rails, Roads & Rails Blog

Railroading Tips will be a regular feature here at the Roads and Rails blog. I’ll put more together later, so this list is not intended to be final or comprehensive. We’re on a mission here to spread model railroading, and reducing beginner frustration is the best way to advance that goal. Here’s my first few:

  • Use the largest gauge wire recommended for your gauge. 18-gauge speaker wire is great and easy to get, even at hardware stores.
  • Use Elmer’s or similar glue when in doubt, then stronger (and more toxic) glues if that fails.
  • Never apply glue or paint directly from the bottle, always put some on a piece of cardboard and apply with the appropriate instrument. Toothpicks are good for applying glues.
  • Dull-Cote™ is a great way to make cheaper train cars look like more expensive models.
  • Always use plastic-safe lubricants. There’s really no need to take a risk of melting your gears.

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