We’ve unveiled the animation, and quite a ride it’s been. I had to change a large part of the design when the Tortoise ™ servo motor failed to move the attached arm reliably. Changing to a rotary arm, I then had to remove a relay and a timer from the electronic aspect of the design, since the new arm does not need to change direction.
Tortoise ™ switch machine stopped working when real work needed to be done. Pretty though, ain’t it?
Car Move Mk II- When in Doubt, Use a Geared Motor. I was able to re-use the mount I built for the Tortoise.
This is what it looks like from the inside. The fishing line guides the car up and down the ramp to the coal crusher/loader.
The coal car is moving reliably now, with only one bug solved by adding a little lubrication to the meeting point between the fishing line and the rotary arm. It’s so reliable I find myself wondering of I could pull every train on the layout with fishing line! A pipe dream…